Helsingin yliopistolle myönnettiin 70 000 euron tutkimustuki hankkeeseen ”Immersive Automation (IA): engagement and user experience in a news ecosystem”.
The demise of the old strategies of newspaper publishers has created an urgent need for radical transformation of operations. The aim of this project is develop new strategies based on technical solutions that are evolving. We propose a holistic strategical approach, a new ecosystem for news that will open up for a new economically viable and technically sophisticated approach to news production and consumption.
A research consortium has been formed by The Swedish School of Social science, University of Helsinki together with the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd to work out an application for funding from the Tekes Media Remake-programme. Our application to Viestintäalan tutkimussäätiö (VTS) is part of our campaign to raise private funds that will be matched by Tekes. Our aim is to gather funding for a 17 months long research project worth approximately 1.1 million euros.